Construction and validation of the early emotional needs scale based on Yang's schema therapy theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 ruodehen Islamic azad university, clinical psychology department

2 Professor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Aim: The aim of the present study was to construct and validate the scale of early emotional needs based on Yang theory of schema therapy. Method: This research was conducted by a combined qualitative-quantitative method. The first (qualitative) step was performed by data triangulation method. The required data were collected through interviews, available texts, receiving expert opinions, and through the method of grounded theory, the steps of coding, categorization, follow-up to saturation. In the second (quantitative) stage, the statistical population of Tehran students was selected in 1399. Among the Islamic Azad universities of Tehran, universities were selected from 5 districts of Tehran and 15 faculties were randomly selected to assess the questionnaires and the questionnaires were administered to 376 students of different levels and both sexes. Confirmatory factor analysis and maximum likelihood estimation (ML) methods were used to analyze the data. Results: Six needs and their related items were extracted. Analysis of standardized factor loads of all components on the total factor, Cronbach's alpha coefficient of all early needs was greater than 0.7. All the needs of the researcher-made questionnaire were positively and at a significance level of 0.01 correlated with the five domains of Young's early maladaptive schemas. Conclusion:Based on the findings, the ability of items to measure the six components of early needs was confirmed and the items of each need had the desired internal consistency, and the needs scale had convergent validity.


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