The effectiveness of imago therapy on marital quality among referred couples to the Behbahan counseling centers

Document Type : Original Article


Aim: The aim of this study was the effectiveness of imago therapy on marital quality among referred couples to the Behbahan counseling centers.
Methods: The design of this study was experimental design with pre-test, post-test and fallow up with control group. The population included all referred couples to the Behbahan counseling centers that among them 16 couples were selected by convenience sampling method and divided into two groups as experiment and control. Research instrument include measure of marital quality from Peri (2004).
Results: The results showed that imago therapy had effective role on marital quality and its subscales exception conflict management. However the results showed that the findings was Constanted At the follow up stage expect spend time with each other and conflict management.
Conclusion: the use of imago therapy could had the long-term effect on marital quality


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