Developing of a Metaphor-based Psychoeducational Packag Explain and Conceptualize Impaired Autonomy and Performance Schemas

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 P.h.D. Student, Department of Clinical Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz. Iran.

2 Assistant Professor Department of clinical psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz. Iran.


Aim: Due to the non-indigenous origins of psychological sources, Iranian psychotherapists face challenges in presenting psychological interventions and material to patients. Designing and utilizing metaphors that are culturally appropriate for Iranian clients can help address this issue. This research aims to design and evaluate a metaphor-based psychoeducational package to explain and conceptualize early maladaptive schemas in the autonomy and performance domains.
Method: Drawing on schema therapy and client metaphors, the researcher designed and prepared five metaphors for each schema in the autonomy and performance domains, totaling 20 metaphors. These metaphors were presented to an expert panel of 13 members to test their qualitative and quantitative content validity. Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) were used for quantitative validation.
Results: The statistical analysis indicated that 17 out of the 20 metaphors had CVR and CVI values higher than the required threshold, thus proving valid.
Conclusions: Given the benefits and applications of metaphors in education and psychotherapy, and based on the validation of the designed metaphors, this psychoeducational package can be effectively employed in educational and schema therapy sessions.


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