Investigating Organizational Destructive Behaviors (Vandalism) and Its Relationship with Social Security Organization Employees' Sense of Anomie

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



Aim: This research aimed to investigate the relationship between organizational destructive behaviors (vandalism) and employees' sense of anomie in the Social Security Organization in 2023.
Method: The statistical population included all employees of the Social Security Organization, with sampling conducted using simple random sampling among employees in Kashan. Based on the conceptual model of the research, 58 samples were analyzed to reduce the average absolute error rate in partial least squares (PLS) analysis. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check data normality.
Results: The results confirmed that employees' feelings of anomie (including political, social, economic, and cultural anomalies) have a significant effect on the occurrence of organizational vandalistic behaviors, such as the destruction of organizational reputation and physical assets. The statistical value was 11.953, with an impact factor of 0.736 at a 95% confidence level.
Results: Employees' sense of anomie positively and significantly affects the occurrence of organizational vandalism. According to the adjusted coefficient of determination, employees' feelings of anomie explain approximately 54.2% of the variance in organizational vandalistic behaviors, including the destruction of organizational credibility and physical assets.


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