Structural model of competence beliefs and classroom perceptions with students’ academic achievement: The role of behaviors and beliefs of progress

Document Type : Original Article


1 M. A. in educational psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor of educational psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Aim: The aim of the present study, was to determine the causal model of relationship between self-perceived competence and classroom environment with academic achievement, with an emphasis on the mediating role of beliefs about and behaviors towards progress. Methods: Research method was correlation and the statistical population was, male and female high school students in Karaj comprising of 102,874 in the 2015 -16 academic year. 800 male and female high school students were selected using multi-stage random sampling, these were selected from four girl’s high schools, namely, Hijab, Afagh, Alborz and Jami and four boys high schools, namely, Hadaf, Adab, Milad and Navid. The following questionnaires were used to collect data: The perception of classroom questionnaire Fraser, Fisher and McRobbies, (1996), Pintrich and De Groot‘s (1990) motivational strategies for learning and Harter’s (1985) perceived competence questionnaire. After discarding corrupted questionnaires and untrustworthy data, the data for 712 students were analyzed. Results: Data analysis indicated that the model is a good fit with the data from in this study. Coefficients obtained from indirect effect of competence beliefs (β=0.05, P=0.03) and the perceptions of classroom environment (β=0.16, P=0.025), showed that, only perceptions of classroom environment, with the mediation role of belief about progress and behavior towards progress, could predict academic performance indirectly. Conclusions: Due to the key role of progress beliefs and behaviors, on the relationship between perceptions of classroom environment and competence beliefs with academic competence, it is necessary to pay more attention to these structures in educational planning.


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