The Effect of Perceived Parental Relationships, Teacher-Student Relationship and Personal Best Goals on Academic Buoyancy

Document Type : Original Article


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Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effect of perceived parental relationships, teacherstudent relationship and personal best goals on academic buoyancy. Method: Therefore, 600 secondary high school girl students completed personal best goals questionnaire of Martin (2006), academic buoyancy questionnaire of Dehganizadeh and Hoseinchari (2012), perceived parental relationship questionnaire of Gronik et al. (1997) and Teacher as Social Context Questionnaire (TASCQ) of Belmont, et al. (1992). Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) was used for analyzing data. Results: In between group level perceived parental relationship and teacher‐student relationship positively predict students` personal best goals, which in turn the best personal goals positively related to students' academic buoyancy. Also, there was a significant indirect inter-cluster effect of perceived parental relationship and perceived teacher‐student relationship. The direct inter-classroom perception of parental relationships on academic buoyancy was significant, but this effect was insignificant for perceived teacher-student relationship, suggesting that students' personal best goals completely meditate relationship between inter-classroom perceptions of teacher-student relationships and academic buoyancy.  27.19% of variance in academic buoyancy at student level was explained by individual level variable and 78.67% of variance in academic buoyancy at class level was explained by contextual variable. Conclusion: Guiding students towards personal best goals orientation by teachers and creating a supportive atmosphere in the family by parents can improve students' academic buoyancy.


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