Applied Psychology Article Requirements
This quarterly has instant access to its content freely in the hope that publicly available research will lead to greater knowledge sharing on a global scale.
This quarterly has the cost of initial review and final acceptance of the article.
The quarterly considers the following costs for the author:
Submission: 2000000 (IRR) This fee applies for all papers
Publication: 4000000 (IRR) This fee applies only for accepted papers
Download the commitment, copyright and conflict of interest file here.
Letter copyright- Letter of commitment- Letter Conflict of interest
For style guidance, authors are advised to review previously published articles in this journal.
The Journal of Applied Psychology publishes articles in the Persian (Farsi) language with English Abstracts.
Research manuscripts, as well as review and theoretical manuscripts offering creative and integrative summaries of topics related to family issues (Social, Psychological, Therapeutic, Legal, etc.), should adhere to a word limit of 7000 words. This word count includes the abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. The document should have margins of at least 1 inch on all sides, and a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman for English and B-Nazanin for Persian) of 13 points (no smaller) should be used.
Manuscripts that exceed the specified word limit will be returned to the author for shortening before undergoing peer review.
For research involving human participants, authors must provide a description of the oversight of the research process by the relevant Institutional Review Boards. The Method section should also include a brief description of the consent and assent procedures.
Authors are encouraged to emphasize the significance and novel contributions of their work. This will help readers and reviewers understand the unique contributions and importance of the research.
Title Page
By adhering to these guidelines, authors contribute to the clarity and professionalism of the submission, facilitating a smoother review and publication process.
Cover Letter
Authors are requested to explicitly state in their cover letter that the submitted work has not been published before and is not presently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Additionally, the cover letter should contain an explicit statement verifying that all authors have carefully reviewed the manuscript.
It is imperative that the cover letter provides comprehensive contact information for the corresponding author, including the full mailing address, telephone number, fax, and email address.
For added convenience, authors can download the prescribed cover letter format from the provided link.
Ensuring that these requirements are met in the cover letter streamlines the editorial process and contributes to the effective and transparent communication between authors and the editorial team.
Manuscript Preparation
Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). Review APA's Checklist for Manuscript Submission before submitting your article.
Abstract: All manuscripts are required to incorporate an abstract with a maximum limit of 200 words, presented on a separate page. Following the abstract, authors should furnish three to five keywords or brief phrases. It is essential that both the abstract and keywords are provided in both English and Persian languages.
Introduction: Clearly state the objectives of the work and offer an adequate background, steering clear of an exhaustive literature survey or a recapitulation of the results.
Material and Methods: Furnish ample detail to facilitate the reproduction of the work. Methods that have been previously published should be referenced, with only pertinent modifications described.
Results: Present results in a clear and concise manner.
Discussion & Conclusions: The discussion should delve into the significance of the results, avoiding redundancy. Refrain from extensive citations and revisiting published literature. Summarize the principal conclusions in a concise Conclusions section, ideally placed at the conclusion of the Discussion.
Tables: Insert tables directly into the manuscript. Utilizing spaces or tabs in tables can lead to complications during typesetting and may result in errors. Ensure that all signs and names in tables are in Persian.
References: Compile references in alphabetical order. Each referenced work must be cited in the text, and every text citation should be included in the References section. Additionally, all Persian and Arabic references should be presented in English. Follow the examples below for basic reference formats:
Burack, J. A., Hodapp, R. M., & Zigler, E. (1998). Handbook of mental retardation and development. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Fraley, R. C., Phillips, R. L. (2009). Self-report measures of adult attachment in clinical practice. In J. H., Obegi, E., Berant (Eds), Attachment theory and Research in clinical work with adults. (pp. 153-180). New York: Guilford Press.
Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of Modernity (M. Salasi, Trans.). Tehran: Markaz Publication.
Azadarmaki, T. (2007). [The Sociology of Iranian Family]. Tehran: SAMT Publication [in Persian].
Ravitz, P., Maunder, R., Hunter, J., Sthankiya, B., & Lancee, w. (2010). Adult attachment measures: A 25-year review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69(4) 419-432.
Mokhtari, A., Allahyari, A., & Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaie, K. (2001). [Investigating the relationship between religion orientations with tension in university students]. Journal of Psychology, 17(3) 56-67 [in Persian].
Hidangmayum, N. (2010). Parenting stress of normal and mentally challenged children. Master thesis, Clinical Psychology Department, Harvard University.
Salavati, S. (2015). Reaction to The Infidelity and the role of attachment style. Master thesis, Family Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University [in Persian].
Online Report
American Psychological Association. (2013). 2012 annual report of the American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
Hard Copy Report
National Association of Social Workers. (2012). 2011–2012 annual report. Washington, DC: Author.
Online Report
Iran Alzheimer’s Association. (2014). Iran Alzheimer’s Association Brief Function in 2014 [in Persian]. Retrieved from
Hard Copy Report
Iranian Scientific Associations Committee. (2010). Journals of Iranian Scientific Associations. Tehran: Iranian Scientific Associations Committee [in Persian].
Acceptable graphic file formats include Tiff or EPS files. If a figure comprises multiple parts labeled a, b, c, d, etc., it should be consolidated into a single file. For optimal printing, ensure that the minimum line weight for line art is 0.5 points. Authors can choose to publish their figures online in color through APA without incurring additional costs for print publication.
Upon final acceptance, authors of accepted papers must secure and provide the editor with all necessary permissions to reproduce any copyrighted work in both print and electronic forms. This includes test materials, portions of test materials, photographs, and other graphic images used as stimuli in experiments.
Publication Policies
APA strictly forbids the simultaneous submission of a manuscript to multiple publications. Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the research, such as financial interests in a test or procedure and funding by pharmaceutical companies for drug research, in the Covering Letter. Additionally, authors whose manuscripts are accepted are required to transfer the copyright to APA.
Ethical Principles
Violating APA Ethical Principles includes publishing "as original data, data that have been previously published" (Standard 8.13). Furthermore, APA Ethical Principles dictate that, after publication of research results, psychologists must not withhold data from other competent professionals seeking verification through reanalysis, provided participant confidentiality is safeguarded, and legal rights regarding proprietary data allow release (Standard 8.14). Authors are obligated to confirm in writing that they have adhered to APA ethical standards in treating their sample, whether human or animal, or provide details of the treatment in the Covering Letter.