Comply with COPE Terms and Rules
The Journal of Applied Psychology of Shahid Beheshti University follows all the rules of COPE (Publishing Ethics Committee) and implements all the rules in the journal."Respecting the rules of ethics in the publications subject to the rules of the Ethics Committee in publishing COPE, this publication follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works."
This journal article uses the IThenticate and Samimnoor similarity check systems for evaluating the plagiarism.
All respected contributors of this quarterly, such as authors, judges, editorial board, officials and office staff of the magazine, are required to comply with the ethical charter of the magazine and will do their best to meet these standards:
Respect for Intellectual Property Rights: Efforts will be made to provide all the intellectual property rights of the authors by providing accurate information and to prevent others from publishing the content of this quarterly. Also, pre-published articles in the quarterly will not be made available to others and only quarterly officials will have access to the submitted articles.his quarterly article uses the "Samimnoor" identification system in evaluating the article.
Professional and fair judging: Decisions about the scientific validity of articles will be made at any stage, regardless of ethnic, sexual, racial or sexual, religious, political or ideological affiliation, and all arti Confidentiality of information: The profiles of the authors before publication and the profiles of the judges are always kept confidential and until that time, no one other than the editors of the journal will have access to the specifications and the file of articles. Manuscript will be referred to a peer reviewer without mentioning the author's names & identities as indicated & observed in double-blind peer-review model.