Preliminary Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of the Adolescent Students’ Basic Psychological Needs at School Scale

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



Aim: Consistent the available evidence, considering the importance of the domain of education in the developmental stage of adolescence among the different domains of adolescent life, using the positions of self-determination theory, the contextual study of providing basic psychological needs in learners was prioritized. Accordingly, this study was conducted with the aim of preliminary analysis of the psychometric characteristics of the Adolescent Students’ Basic Psychological Needs at School Scale (Tian, Han and Huebner, 2014). Method: In this descriptive survey research, from the statistical population of the first high school boys and girls in the 11th district of Tehran in the academic year 1402-1403, a number of 485 adolescents (240 boys and 245 girls) were selected using the convenience sampling method, responded to the ASBPNSS, and self-directed learning scale (Lounsbury & Gibson, 2006) and the motivational regulation scale (Kim, Brady, & Wolters, 2018). In this research, the AMOS-18 statistical package was used to test the factorial validity of the psychological needs scale through confirmatory factor analysis. Results: While Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the three-dimensionality of the scale including three subscales of autonomy, relatedness, and competence, a multi-group CFA supported the structure as invariant across genders. Besides, the Cronbach's alpha result showed that the scale was internally consistent. Also, the results related to the correlation between basic psychological needs at school with self-directed learning and motivational regulation provided sufficient evidence in defense of the criterion validity of the Adolescent Students’ Basic Psychological Needs at School Scale. Conclusion: In summary, the findings from the present research provide preliminary support for the psychometric properties of the ASBPNSS.


Main Subjects

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